Introductory to Organ Transplant living “101”

My name is Don DeVorss and my Wife is Julie DeVorss, I am a Heart Transplant Recipient and she is a real uncertified “Google Doctor/Caregiver”.

Together we have fought the beast that is called “Organ Failure”. Our journey has taken us over massive mountains, that fortunately most people will never have to climb. When I say most people, that is not to imply that there are only a of us in Organ failure, the fact is millions of people are living with Organ failure today.

It is extremely important for me, and will be for the rest of my life, to show gratitude and build awareness for the wonderful gift of life, an organ donation.  It will be our goal at Donor Gratitude to help those living with organ failure and waiting for the gift of life, to navigate through such a difficult and unknown journey.

The good news for Julie and Myself is, we are now on top of that massive mountain, and we have conquered the Beast that was trying to keep us down.  He certainly tried, but he was not successful in keeping me in his clutch.  Together Julie and I battled, and conquered the beast while on my unknown journey called organ failure.

Now it is time for us to help others, the same way others have helped us.  “Thank you Pat Boland, my beautiful transplant brother, who has helped me in so many ways over the last several years, ways that only you and I can fully understand.  You will always be in my thoughts and prayers, R.I.P. my friend”.

Our story is not one that stands alone, by any means!  Our mission is to create a place where everyone can have a better understanding and awareness for organ transplantation.  We are creating an environment at Donor Gratitude Inc. ( that promotes healing, awareness and education for the beautiful gift of an organ transplant. We hope that you soon will be joining us on a weekly basis, for positive stories and subject matter that relates to the Organ transplant world.

“Introductory to Organ transplant living 101” 

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Always grateful, Don

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                          Being Your Own Best Advocate

Introductory to Organ Transplant living “101”

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